Peruvian Causa de Atún Recipe - An Appetizer with a Story (2024)

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Peruvian Causa de Atún Recipe - An Appetizer with a Story (1)

This is the Peruvian appetizer or starter par excellence: a perfect dough of mashed potato made with ají amarillo chili pepper layered with tuna fillet and a slight hint of mayonnaise topped off with a slice of boiled egg. “How can something so simple be so tasty?”, I hear you ask. Well, as the adage goes, sometimes less is more. Potatoes are native to Peru and are an ever-present fixture in many Peruvian recipes. And this dish could well serve as an homage to the papa amarilla, that deliciously floury potato. (Note: Try to use floury or fluffy local potatoes to get the same consistency and yumminess factor). We can confidently say that there’s only one issue with causa de atún: once you get started on this starter, you might not want to stop.

Check out Causa Limeña de Pollo (Causa Rellena) for a chicken version of this classic, creamy dish.

Origins of causa de atún

The concept of this recipe is straightforward, but its history is much more elaborate. Causa is the Spanish word for “cause” (in English), but it’s believed to derive from the word kausay, which comes from the indigenous Andean language of Quechua. Kausay means life. But it was also used for “potatoes” in Peru until the influence of Spanish changed the common title to papa. Why did the Quechua call it “life”? Well, the potato was (and unfortunately still is up to this day in certain remote highland communities) the main sustenance for inhabitants of the Andean region. It was a life-giving food.

The first versions of causa in the pre-Hispanic days were likely as simple as boiled potatoes accompanied by slices of spicy ají amarillo chili pepper. When the Spanish arrived, another key ingredient also washed up at Peruvian shores: limes. The following chapter in the evolution of causa was the War of the Pacific, when Peru and Bolivia were at war with Chile. It’s said that soldiers’ wives would prepare causa for their army husbands and they would hand them the dish with the patriotic words “para la causa”, which translates to “for the cause (of winning the war)”. Whatever the exact origins may be, this ever-evolving Peruvian starter never fails to impress.

Peruvian Causa de Atún Recipe - An Appetizer with a Story (2)

Myriad causas

The original recipe was made with a central layer of shredded fish fillet. While it is sometimes still prepared that way today, tuna fillet or chunks often replace the shredded fish, in order to save time. Other fillings include ceviche, crabmeat, and prawns with mayonnaise. However, modifying the basic concept is easy. And causa made with a central layer of shredded chicken breast mixed with mayonnaise is almost as popular as the tuna variant.

But it doesn’t stop there. The main appeal of causa is its creamy mashed potato dough, so it works well with vegetarian fillings too. Sautéed or boiled vegetables with fried mushrooms work like a dream. Those on a vegan diet will be happy to hear that the recipe works without the mayonnaise too.

Peruvian Causa de Atún Recipe - An Appetizer with a Story (3)

All shapes and sizes

Since the mashed potato dough is wonderfully pliable and firm at the same time, many chefs can’t avoid temporarily regressing to their childhood and letting their imagination run wild as if they were playing with playdough. This explains why there is an endless variety of shapes of causa, including rolled up a-la-roulade, and rolled into balls, often doused in some delicious sauce.

Another possibility here is to add an extra ingredient to the potato to give it a different color instead of the natural yellow color from the potato: for example, adding some boiled beetroot will make it pink or purple, and spinach will give it a nice green tinge. So roll up your sleeves to get cooking!

Peruvian Causa de Atún Recipe - An Appetizer with a Story (4)

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Causa de atún

Course: Lunch, Starter

Cuisine: Peruvian

Keyword: lunch

Servings: 4 people


For the potato base:

  • 3 pounds floury potatoes
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 3 ají amarillo chili peppers very finely chopped
  • Juice of two limes
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • A few sprigs of chopped parsley

For the filling:

  • 5 ounces canned or fresh tuna 1 can
  • 1/2 onion chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
  • 1/2 avocado sliced
  • 2 hardboiled eggs chopped into cubes
  • 1 ají limo chili pepper chopped finely, or another similar chili pepper


  • Place the unpeeled potatoes in a large pot of cold water, adding 2 tablespoons of salt. Bring it to a boil and boil the potatoes until they’re cooked and soft. Strain and set aside to cool.

  • When the potatoes have cooled sufficiently, remove the skin. Pass them through a potato ricer three times until the dough achieves a smooth and soft consistency. Add the olive oil, ají amarillo peppers, salt and pepper to taste and the sprigs of parsley. Knead the potato dough until you get a pliable and form texture

  • To serve, use a greased 3-inch diameter mini-springform pan to help you put each individual causa together. Spread the potato dough on the base, about 1 inch high. Then place a layer of avocado slices, followed by a layer of the tuna filling, and finish your causa with another 1 inch layer of potato dough. Remove the springform and repeat 3 more times.

  • Decorate each serving with chopped egg and ají limo chili pepper, and enjoy!


This is a starter served cold, and can be kept in the fridge for a few hours (up to a maximum of 12 hours) but flavor-wise it really tastes best when it has just been prepared.

Peruvian Causa de Atún Recipe - An Appetizer with a Story (9)

Peruvian Causa de Atún Recipe - An Appetizer with a Story (10)

Peruvian foodie. I’ve been writing about the food of Peru for over 10 years. Read more about the Eat Peru team here

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Reader Interactions


  1. Michael

    Thanks for sharing! I lived in Peru for two years back in 1980-82. I loved the food! I was thinking about causa and couldn’t remember the name of it. I was thrilled to find the recipe and will try it. I’m not sure if aji amarillo can be purchased locally. Does it go by another name in the US?
    Again, muchas gracias por compartir esta receta!


    • Eat Peru

      Great to hear that you were able to rediscover causa, Michael. Aji Amarillo is hard to find in the US. You have three options or alternatives to the dried pepper (the best version):
      1. Use ají amarillo paste.
      2. Grow your own peppers from seeds
      3. Use habanero peppers instead (not perfect, but a good last option)


    • Milagros Lopez

      Aji verde you could get in any mexican or latin store where they sell south american products, usually they came in cans or frozen


    • Wendy

      You can also buy frozen amarillo in some stores, or as a paste. Mexican and other Latin American grocery stores will likely have the paste, and almost undoubtedly the fresh peppers, but Amazon also has all of the main Peruvian pepper pastes.


  2. Christina

    What is an example of a floury potato type ?


    • Eat Peru

      Maris Piper and King Edward are both floury types of potato.


  3. Ines

    You can purchase ají amarillo through Amazon. Fast and efficient service.


  4. Markus Hansson

    How long does Causa last in the fridge?


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Peruvian Causa de Atún Recipe - An Appetizer with a Story (2024)


What is Peruvian causa made of? ›

Causa is comprised of layers of seasoned mashed potatoes, mayonnaise, hard-boiled eggs and olives. Most also include the addition of other ingredients and there seems to be as many variations as there are households in Peru.

What does causa mean in Peru? ›

A staple in Peru for centuries, the word causa actually comes from the Quechuan word 'kausaq' which means gives life. Causa refers to the yellow potato (papa amarilla), and rellena refers to the stuffing.

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History of causa

Legend has it that during the fight for Peruvian independence from Spain, he called for Peruvians to support the cause for independence by providing food for their soldiers. At this time one of the most common dishes happened to be this very same layered potato dish.

What are the main ingredients in Peruvian food? ›

Essential Ingredients

From the list above, there are certain items considered to be essential staples to Peruvian food that we will take a deeper dive into with some recipe inspiration to try at home. These include meat, tropical fruits, legumes and root vegetables, rice, herbs and chili peppers.

What does causa consist of? ›

In its most classic form, causa is a cold, layered dish of lime- and aji amarillo-spiked potatoes, a mayonnaise-based salad (usually chicken or tuna), avocado, tomato, black olives, and boiled eggs. In its home country of Peru, there's a version for every cook, budget, skill level and occasion.

How do Peruvians say hello? ›

A simple hola is the standard way of saying hello in Peru. It's friendly but informal, so stick with formal greetings when addressing elders and authority figures. You can add a little color to the standard hola with some informal phrases such as: ¿Cómo estás?

Why do Peruvians call each other causa? ›

Similarly, the slang term causa, meaning friend or buddy, is more commonly used in Lima, while pata is more prevalent in other regions of the country. These regional variations will help you understand Peruvian slang and appreciate its rich cultural diversity. READ ALSO: The Pisco Sour – A Peruvian Delight!

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Causa. Word used in Peru to refer to a good friend.

What is the most favorite food in Peru? ›

1. Ceviche. Top of any list of must-try foods in Peru is Ceviche, which originated here in Peru and is the national dish of the country. It's a cold-cooked fish dish that is marinated in lime juice and usually served alongside red onions, boiled corn and sweet potato.

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Cancha Salada

This popular snack has been around for centuries in South America. Made from the roasted Peruvian corn kernels of a variety known as maiz cancha. The kernels are roasted in oil and salted, and served in bags to go. The simplest of simple and one of the tastiest too.

What is the national dessert of Peru? ›

Mazamorra Morada is a traditional Peruvian dessert that can be made with purple corn and sweetened with honey. It is traditionally served during Christmas and New Year's, but you may find it in any large family meal throughout the year.

What is causa a la limeña made of? ›

Description. This dish is traditionally made with yellow potato, lemon, boiled egg, yellow chilli pepper and black olives. It also may have avocado for the stuffing and lettuce for decoration purposes. The preparation admits many variants, like the causa filled with tuna, trout, chicken, shellfish or other white meat.

Did Peru invent potatoes? ›

Where did potatoes originate? The Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate potatoes around 8,000 BC to 5,000 B.C. Potato History: The ancient civilizations of the Incas used the time it took to cook a potato as a measurement of time.

Who brought rice to Peru? ›

Staples brought by the Spanish include rice, wheat and meats (beef, pork and chicken). Many traditional foods—such as quinoa, kiwicha, chili peppers, and several roots and tubers—have increased in popularity in recent decades, reflecting a revival of interest in native Peruvian foods and culinary techniques.

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Local Cuisine

The three traditional staples of Peruvian cooking are corn, potatoes, and chile peppers, which add a pinch of flavor to the two aforementioned staples. The types of potatoes found in Peru range somewhere between 3,800 and 4,000.

What are Peruvians made up of? ›

The people of Peru are a mix of many different cultures, including Indians, Spaniards and other Europeans, descendants of African slaves, and Asians. Until recently, most people lived in the countryside. But now, more than 70 percent live in cities. Most Peruvians follow the Catholic religion introduced by the Spanish.

What is the most essential vegetable ingredient of Peruvian food? ›

The most important ingredient in all Peruvian cuisine is the potato, as Peru has the widest variety of potatoes in the world. American food critic Eric Asimov has described it as one of the world's most important cuisines and as an exemplar of fusion cuisine, due to its long multicultural history.

What are the ingredients in Peru's national dish? ›

Ceviche is the Peruvian national dish par excellence, this is usually a fresh raw fish salad marinated in lime with salt and mixed with onion, garlic, and other peppers previously marinated in lemon, too. It is eaten accompanied by lettuce, corn kernels, toasted corn, Cochallullo (edible seaweed), and sweet potato.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.