Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe (2024)

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This traditional Dutch Spice Mix Recipe (aka speculaaskruiden or speculaas spices) is so easy to make using ingredients that you probably already have in your store cupboard (if you bake regularly). And with a batch of this on hand, you are set to go with a staple spice mix that is used in many popular Dutch sweet baking recipes.

Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe (1)
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A few years ago I shared a recipe for Dutch Pepernoten (mini Dutch spiced cookies) and I promised the recipe for the spice mix would follow.

It is only when I went to make a new spice mix-up ready for all the popular Dutch baking recipes that feature during this time of year (pepernoten, speculaas, etc) that I realised I had not shared it with you guys.

Where To Buy Dutch Speculaas Spices

Here in the Netherlands, you can easily buy this blend of spices in the Supermarkets but elsewhere you need to either purchase it at a specialist shop or buy it online.

Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe (2)

Dutch Speculaas Spice Mix Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 0 minutes minutes

Servings: 3 Small Jars

Calories: 100kcal

Author: Sam Franklin

This is an easy recipe to make a blend of spices that is frequently used in many traditional Dutch baking recipes such as Speculaas, Pepernoten, Kruidnoten to name but a few.

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  • Air Tight Spice Jars


  • 10 tbsp Cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp Nutmeg
  • 2 tbsp Ground Cloves
  • 1 tbsp Ground Ginger
  • ½ tbsp Ground Cardamom


  • Prepare airtight spice jars by cleaning them and adding labels.

  • In a large bowl simply measure out all the spices and mix.

  • Divide the spice mix between the spice jars and seal.


The amounts shown in this recipe make enough spice mix to fill 3 small spice pots.

There are many versions of this recipe here in the Netherlands and many bakeries have there own secret recipies.

This basic recipe can also be adapted to suit your own personal taste.

For example, if you are not so keen on cardamom then just leave it out or you really love ginger then you can simply increase the amount you put in.


Another optional ingredient that you often see is white pepper. I didn’t use this in my mix but if you want to spice it up a bit then you can add half a tablespoon to give it a bit of bite.


Calories: 100kcal

Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe (3)

What To Bake With Your Dutch Spice Mix

Now that you have the basic recipe for this why not try making my traditional Dutch Pepernoten Recipe (Mini Spice Cookies)?This recipe is so easy and a lot of fun to make with the kids as their little fingers are perfect for rolling all the little round dough balls.

Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe (4)

The kids here in the Netherlands go mad for them and eat them by the bucket load.

This is usually leading up to Sinterklaas (the Dutch Father Christmas) arriving in the country on his steamboat from Spain (this year it falls on the 16th of November) to when he brings them gifts on pakjesavond (present evening) which is on the 5th of December.

Once Sinterklaas has arrived in the land the kids are allowed to put their shoes out by the fireplace every Saturday night until pakjesavond.If they have been good the shoes will be filled with pepernoten and small gifts.

And Honestly, these are so yummy you will totally understand why the Dutch kids go crazy for them.

More Dutch Recipes …

In the Netherlands, another base ingredient that is used in many Dutch recipes is Amandelspjis (Almond Paste). This can be used to make many cookies, cakes, pastries, and dessert recipes. Here is a recipe to make a delicious homemade version

Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe (5)

Another Dutch recipe that is great for kids and a total crowd-pleaser for parties and fetes is my Traditional Dutch Poffertjes Recipe. Not only are they easy to make but the topping combination ideas are endless.

And of course, if we are talking about recipes from the Netherlands then we can’t forget the classic Dutch Apple Piewhich is often served in cafes and during birthday celebrations, and the Gevulde Koek (Ductch almond Cookie) which is a real National favourite.

Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe (7)

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Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe (2024)


Dutch Spice Mix (AKA Speculaaskruiden) - Easy Homemade Recipe? ›

Most traditional recipes in Dutch cuisine call for spices (kruiden) that the Dutch East India Company (VOC) began trading during the Golden Age. These include cloves (kruidnagel), cinnamon (kaneel), and nutmeg (nootmuskaat).

What spices do the Dutch use? ›

Most traditional recipes in Dutch cuisine call for spices (kruiden) that the Dutch East India Company (VOC) began trading during the Golden Age. These include cloves (kruidnagel), cinnamon (kaneel), and nutmeg (nootmuskaat).

What is a mixture of spices ground into a paste? ›

A masala can be either a combination of dried (and usually dry-roasted) spices, or a paste (such as vindaloo masala) made from a mixture of spices and other ingredients—often garlic, ginger, onions, chilli paste and tomato.

What is in a jar of mixed spice? ›

Our mixed spice powder is an expertly blended combination of cinnamon, coriander, caraway, nutmeg and cloves. Combing these spices produces a beautifully balanced seasoning – the earthy ground coriander and spicy cloves contrast the sweet notes of cinnamon and nutmeg.

What is in a good spice blend? ›

While there's no set recipe, you'll typically find some mixture of black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, anise cloves, ginger, cumin, coriander, cayenne, turmeric, and sumac. It has a well-rounded flavor profile with warm and slightly sweet notes from the nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves.

What is Dutch a mix of? ›

Together with English, Frisian, German, and Luxembourgish, Dutch is a West Germanic language. It derives from Low Franconian, the speech of the Western Franks, which was restructured through contact with speakers of North Sea Germanic along the coast (Flanders, Holland) about 700 ce.

What is the national dish of the Dutch? ›

Stamppot (Dutch National Dish)

How to make your own spice mix? ›

Some Of Our Favorite Spice Blends
  1. 2 tbsp paprika.
  2. 1 tbsp cumin.
  3. 1 tbsp chili powder.
  4. 1 tsp garlic powder.
  5. 1 tsp onion powder.
  6. 1 tsp oregano.
  7. ½ tsp cayenne pepper (adjust for desired heat)
Jan 3, 2024

How to make your own ground spices? ›

You can grind your own spices using an electric spice grinder, blender, food processor or coffee grinder. There are also several manual methods for grinding spices by hand. These methods include using a mortar and pestle, rasp grater and even a rolling pin.

What is the difference between ground spice and mixed spice? ›

No, these are completely different. Allspice (also known as myrtle pepper) is a single origin spice which is dried and ground from the allspice berry. Mixed Spice is a blend of several different spices. The taste of allspice is intense, rich and fruity.

What were 4 of the valuable spices? ›

There are some spices where its price tag is rather steep than others, which include saffron, green cardamom, cinnamon and vanilla. Saffron: Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.

Can you use mason jars for spices? ›

Mason jars hold a practical amount of spices.

Like I said above, I do a lot of cooking that depends on larger quantities of spices. Mason jars easily hold a half cup or more of spices.

What is a good substitute for mixed spice? ›

If you need a substitute for mixed spice in a recipe and don't want to make your own you can just use Pumpkin Pie Spice instead. Both are made up of similar spices. Make mixed spice in small batches so it stays fresher longer.

Which spice makes food smell good? ›

Fresh herbs like rosemary and thyme have earthy, woody aromas, while spices like cinnamon and cardamom offer sweet and warm scents. These fragrances make food more appealing even before you take the first bite. Balancing Flavors: Herbs and spices help balance and enhance other flavors in a dish.

What spices do chefs use the most? ›

We surveyed professional chefs to find out their single favorite spice. Some said their favorites were basic staples like black peppercorn, ginger, and nutmeg. Others named spices with more regional specificity, like sumac, Calabrian chili, or Perilla seeds.

What spices did the Dutch control? ›

The Dutch East India Company (VOC) was formed in 1602 by the Staten-Generaal (States General) of the then Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. The company was granted a 21-year charter with rights to trade exclusively in Asia and to buy valuable spices, such as nutmeg, mace, and cloves.

What are the Dutch trade spices? ›


The Dutch established a monopoly on the spice trade from the Moluccas . They gained control over the clove trade through an alliance with the sultan of Ternate in the Moluccas in 1607. Dutch occupation of the Bandas from 1609 to 1623 gave them control of the nutmeg trade.

What spices do Scandinavians use? ›

The Unique Spices of Iceland and Scandinavia
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What did the Dutch use nutmeg for? ›

European powers were vying for control of the spice trade, and the valuable spice at the center of it all was nutmeg. The Europeans valued nutmeg for more than its distinct taste. Nutmeg was considered an aphrodisiac and hallucinogen.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.